We provide comprehensive support for people with disability
The Will to Live Center (WLC) is a nonprofit, based in Hanoi, Vietnam, that provides free computer and life skills training courses, to people with disabilities, in order to help them find employment and integrate fully into society. The WLC, also runs several social initiatives with the goal of ending the discrimination and stigma that people with disabilities face, on a daily basis.
The Will to Live Center supports and assists people with disabilities, to integrate completely into society, through employment services and social initiatives.
Our vision is to support people living with disabilities and provide them with technology and life skills, to ensure equal opportunities and access in the technical field and society as whole.

Explore what we do

Students at WLC, will enroll in a free, six-month training program. The training program
includes courses in: photo editing, microsoft office application, graphic design, english
communication and more. During the program, students will gain skills in information
technology, website design and management, PC installment, maintenance and network
administration. Students will also gain skills in English communication, independent living
skills, and corporate working skills. Following the training program, the WLC will offer students
employment support and career advising. Majority of the graduates from the WLC, find careers
in photo editing or online marketing fields.
If you are interested in applying to the program, you can read more about the application process here.
Over the past couple years, The WLC has created and provided many community
events, such as the “Gala Dinner” workshop, “ IT job opportunities for people with disabilities”
seminar, “Pride in What you do” workshop, the “ I am beautiful. You too!” fashion show for
women with disabilities, and the “You Raise Me Up” running event. Our goal is to connect the
community by creating new spaces and experience for people with disabilities, and providing
positive and realistic views about people with disabilities, through community involvement.
You can read more about these social initiatives on our social initiatives page.
Although the WLC provides education and employment opportunities for people with disabilities
in the technology field, we also provide more job opportunities for graduates through our Home-
Working Project.
What we are proud of...
With support from foreign and domestic donors, our training program has been able to grow and excel over the years.
We have also received several awards in recognition of the work that we do.
- 2008: Blue Ribbon Award. Vietnamese Talents Award.
- 2009: Sparrow Awards
- 2010-2011: The best IT Training center for the disabled. Certificate of Merit. The Social Entrepreneurship Award.
- 2012: Female Vision Award.
- 2013: The 2013 National Volunteer Award
- 2014: Nghe An Talent Award. Nghe An Representative Youth
- 2019: Award for Organizations with Effective Information Technology Solution For People With Disabilities
The story of us